Legacy Five - 'Til We Meet Again Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: 'Til We Meet Again
  • Album: Just Stand
  • Artist: Legacy Five
  • Released On: 06 Oct 2009
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
Legacy Five 'Til We Meet Again

'Til We Meet Again Lyrics

VS 1
We've shared some laughter and yes sometimes we've cried
We've made some memories as we've walked side by side
But now we've reached the place where the road divides
And now the time has come when we must say goodbye

Til we meet again, til we meet again
God be with you til we meet again
Til we meet again, til we meet again
God be with you til we meet again

VS 2
We've shared a heartbeat, a passion and a call
To work for Jesus we're prepared to give our all
And we don't know today what tomorrow holds
But God will be with us wherever we may go.


And if on Earth we meet somewhere
What a joy that it will be
But if we never do I'll look for you in Heaven at His feet.

'Til We Meet Again Video

'Til We Meet Again Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

'Til We Meet Again by Legacy Five: A Beautiful Reflection on Goodbyes and Hope


In the world of Christian music, there are songs that touch our hearts, inspire us, and remind us of the hope we have in Christ. One such song is 'Til We Meet Again by Legacy Five. This powerful and emotive song speaks to the universal experience of saying goodbye and the assurance we have of being reunited with our loved ones in heaven.

Key Messages in the Song:

The song 'Til We Meet Again is a heartfelt expression of love and hope in the face of separation. It beautifully captures the emotions that arise when we must say goodbye to someone dear to us. The key messages of the song can be understood by examining the lyrics chronologically.

Verse 1: "We've shared some laughter and yes sometimes we've cried, We've made some memories as we've walked side by side, But now we've reached the place where the road divides, And now the time has come when we must say goodbye."

In the first verse, the song acknowledges the shared experiences, both joyful and sorrowful, that have been woven into the relationship. It recognizes the bond that has been built through laughter and tears. However, it also acknowledges the inevitability of parting ways. The lyrics reflect the bittersweet emotions that come with saying goodbye and the realization that the journey together has come to an end.

Chorus: "Til we meet again, til we meet again, God be with you til we meet again, Til we meet again, til we meet again, God be with you til we meet again."

The chorus serves as a prayerful expression of hope and a reminder that God's presence will be with us until we are reunited with our loved ones. It emphasizes the belief in the ultimate reunion that awaits us in heaven. The repetition of the phrase "til we meet again" reinforces the longing for future fellowship and the assurance that God will be with us in the meantime.

Verse 2: "We've shared a heartbeat, a passion and a call, To work for Jesus we're prepared to give our all, And we don't know today what tomorrow holds, But God will be with us wherever we may go."

In the second verse, the song shifts the focus to the shared mission and purpose in Christ. It highlights the commitment to serve and give everything for the sake of the gospel. The lyrics acknowledge the uncertainties of the future, but they also affirm the unwavering presence of God. It reminds us that no matter what lies ahead, God will be with us every step of the way.

Bridge: "And if on Earth we meet somewhere, What a joy that it will be, But if we never do I'll look for you in Heaven at His feet."

The bridge of the song brings a sense of anticipation and longing for the possibility of earthly reunion. It acknowledges the joy that would come from meeting again in this life. However, it also acknowledges the reality that earthly reunions may not always be possible. In such cases, the lyrics express the hope of being reunited in heaven, at the feet of Jesus. It speaks to the eternal perspective and assurance that death does not have the final say.

Meaning and Inspiration of the Song:

'Til We Meet Again is a song that holds deep meaning for many individuals who have experienced the pain of separation and loss. It serves as a reminder that goodbyes are not forever and that hope and comfort can be found in the promise of a future reunion. The song provides solace and encouragement to those who are going through difficult transitions, whether it be the loss of a loved one or a temporary parting due to distance or circumstance.

The inspiration behind the song may vary from person to person, as it can resonate with different experiences and situations. However, the underlying theme of hope in the midst of farewell is universal. The song's lyrics capture the emotions and thoughts that often accompany goodbyes, offering a sense of assurance and peace in knowing that God is with us throughout our journeys.

Biblical Analysis of the Song:

When evaluating the biblical foundation of a song, it is crucial to examine the lyrics in light of Scripture. While the song 'Til We Meet Again does not explicitly reference specific Bible verses, its themes align with biblical principles and teachings.

1. The assurance of reunion: The song's emphasis on the anticipation of meeting again reflects the biblical teaching of life after death and the hope of being reunited with loved ones in heaven. Scripture assures us of the eternal nature of our relationships in Christ. Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." This verse provides comfort and hope for those who have experienced separation and loss.

2. God's presence in times of farewell: The song repeatedly emphasizes the presence of God during times of goodbye. This aligns with the biblical promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). Jesus Himself assures us of His presence, saying, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:20). The song's prayerful plea for God to be with us until we meet again echoes the biblical truth of His constant companionship.

3. The eternal perspective: The bridge of the song acknowledges the possibility of not meeting again on Earth but expresses the hope of being reunited in heaven. This reflects the biblical teaching of the eternal perspective that Christians are called to have. In 2 Corinthians 4:18, Paul writes, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." The song encourages believers to focus on the ultimate reality of eternity and the promise of heavenly reunion.


'Til We Meet Again by Legacy Five is a powerful song that resonates with the universal experience of saying goodbye and the hope we have in Christ. Its key messages of love, hope, and assurance provide comfort and encouragement to those going through times of separation and loss. The song's meaning and inspiration lie in its ability to speak to the deep longings of the human heart and offer a biblical perspective on farewell. By aligning with scriptural truths of reunion, God's presence, and the eternal perspective, 'Til We Meet Again serves as a reminder of the hope we have in Christ and the promise of a future reunion with our loved ones in heaven.

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